Finance, Economics & Technology

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March 2017

What It’s Like Being an Entrepreneur

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Started March 12, completed March 26th. (Typical.)

It’s not what you think.

Last night I was having dinner with several of my close girlfriends at a beautiful restaurant in Yaletown; Giardino’s. One of the girls asked me what turning 29 meant to me, as the dinner was a birthday celebration. It’s a fantastic question, and it conjures many feelings. I feel pride and excitement for where I am today and what I have accomplished, but I also feel frustration and regret for where I am not. The past few weeks have been tough at points, because I can be incredibly hard on myself, particularly in regards to my accomplishments. By this time in my life, I really thought I would have achieved a lot more. Keep Reading

An Argument For Bi-Partisanship, Healthy Debate, and Empathy

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Published today on the Huffington Post Canada, thoughts on politics today, relevant to global politics, US politics, and Canadian politics.

Read the article below, or on the Huffington Post here. Keep Reading

Invest in Yourself: Watch Tony Robbins Talk About Making Money

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Gary Vaynerchuk hosted Tony Robbins on his Youtube channel on March 1st to discuss Tony’s new finance book, Unshakeable, and oh man, if you are interested in investing in the stock market, it is worth your time. Keep Reading

President Can’t Delete His Tweets

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Did you know the President can’t delete his tweets?! It could be a matter of federal record keeping, and is certainly news to me.

Two congressmen (one a democrat and the other a republican), sent a letter to the White House this week “expressing concerns about the Trump administration’s record keeping habits and its nontransparent use of social media and other forms of electronic communication.Keep Reading

My Favourite Weekend Routine

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I guess it’s a bit obvious isn’t it, I love to paper and coffee, but nonetheless, here we go.


Wake up around 8am and walk the one block to JJ Bean for the good muffins and americanos with Duchess. She takes awhile to get up though…  Keep Reading

Populism: What Is It?

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Yesterday in my video I discussed the factors that I saw as the cause for partisanship, and one of the main ones was inequality based on the fast-pace of technology development, and how technology is displacing people who are not able to keep up. I had an IRL question about populism, so thought I’d put together a post that dives a little deeper into explaining it. Keep Reading

Video Blog: People, Politics & Partisanship

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This morning I sat down and couldn’t focus. Too many thoughts swirling around in my brain; frustrations about how we are meant to deal with, and where we fit into, the current political climate. Politics today are so partisan, from our global leaders to our local leaders, the media, and our friends and family. So, here are 10 minutes on what I think about all of this, and why it needs to change. Keep Reading

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