Finance, Economics & Technology

A Call for Reason, And Perspective

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Politics can be such utter garbage. To evoke support, political marketers seek to further deepen the divide that determines political affiliations, but do it in such a way that elicits hatred for the other side. They virtue signal and point fingers, claiming that this game of political warfare is zero-sum. It is not, in my opinion. When one side wins and one loses, both sides ultimately lose – same as with personal relationships.

In the United States, both sides are boldly guilty of this. The rhetoric used to get points across is so hyperbolized, it’s as if every issue (portrayed by the mainstream media), is a call for another civil war. Frankly, I find politics insulting to the citizens who have to put up with it all. The lies, the political speak, the false promises, it’s all part of the spin to get elected or reelected, and it’s lunacy. It feels like a lot of, we’re just going to cut off our nose to spite our face, without considering that next, there may be no head.

The real trouble with the political looney show is that while it may be considered entertaining by some today, it is what affects the populace tomorrow. Politics determine health and happiness, literally.

It really is too bad that politics have become entertainment. This is serious stuff, and I truly wish it wasn’t so sensationalized. It’s like, the more the story leans to one side, the more likely it is to make impact, because a simple telling of the facts couldn’t possibly resonate. In today’s media, in order for one side to be right, the other has to be embarrassingly wrong. This is an op-ed, so I’m allowed to make this personal and tell you what I think. So here’s what I think: both the left and right are ridiculous, and both the left and right are credible. Reality is a smudgy grey line between the two media-driven storylines.

Sailing in the San Francisco bay, May 2017

I think that extremism is where things really go wrong. What is so damn bad with admitting the other side may have a point? Why must it be all or nothing? It’s as if admitting weakness will be the straw that broke the camel’s back, or the final brick that brings down the Jenga. Extremism is the idea that you must be all or nothing, and when has that ever gone well? Seriously. Look at religion, fashion, dieting, love, or even temperature. Lol. Just to make this more visceral, imagine if it was only really, really hot all the time, with no reprieve from the blistering sun. Wouldn’t that just be the worst? Why would anyone want a blistering politician? WHY.

I can’t help but love the United States. I love the rah, rah you-can-do-it attitude (though unfortunately balanced with a “if you’re not a productive member of society you don’t deserve anything” attitude – I’ll never be able to truly shake my Canadian-ness), the vast array of humans who call the US home, the starkly different cultures of the east coast and west coast, and how ideas have the space to grow big. I am charmed by the stories of the States, and maybe more than anything else, the architecture of various regions and the lifestyles that match those surroundings.

As an outsider with a big space in her heart for America, it’s frustrating to watch two clear political agendas tear the country apart. Politicians are basically actors paid by PACs and corporations, so they’re kind of a forgone conclusion (and if they aren’t affiliated with some mega donor now, they most likely eventually will be because how else do you survive in such a costly game?). It’s the people, the voters, who are the real stars of the show. The voters deserve to see both sides. Just like how Anthony Bourdain showed us that kindness is universal, as is the love of good people and good food, the desire for a happy life and a just government is universal. People want to be proud, not making excuses for their leaders. (Which, again, happens on both sides.) And I think, more than anything, although the media wouldn’t have you believe it, people want to understand one another. Mutual respect feels f*cking fantastic.

So, the next time you’re watching the news or judging the other side, considering putting yourself in their shoes and having a look at where they’re coming from. The Trump voter who lost his ability to support his family because technology killed his job deserves understanding. The Ocasio-Cortez supporter from the Bronx who can’t afford housing deserves to be heard. Both of these people support extremists, but both of them have valid reasons for their support. Let’s get “Humans of New York” about this, because political alignment never tells the real story.

Olivia is a fan of technology that changes the world and promoting financial literacy. She believes in the power of blockchain, understanding finance and politics, puppy cuddles, and a newspaper with coffee on Sundays. Welcome to the Paper & Coffee.

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