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Blockchain Books

Read Chain <> Block Books

in Blockchain/Books/Crypto by

I’ve had a number of people ask me since publishing my recent blog post (2018 predictions for crypto and blockchain), what my reading recommendations are. I’d say that because blockchain and crypto are still relatively nascent spaces, there is a small number of reliable books and publications that I would recommend.

Also because it’s a space still very much being formed, much of what I understand about the technology and its applications comes from interesting ideas and comments on Twitter. Twitter is by far my biggest source of information on crypto/blockchain. Further, if there is a concept or company I want deeper insight on, I’ll search on Reddit where the comments can be really useful.


Blockchain Revolution,  Cryptoassets,  The Truth Machine, and The Business Blockchain. Certainly there are many books available on the topics, but these four are credible, and the best place to start, IMHO.

Publications & People

Here, I put together a lengthy list of all the media and people you should check out or follow on Twitter.


PS – Feature pic snapped from my preferred reading spot; the couch. I’m currently reading the Elon Musk bio, and damn, it is so so good.

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