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Where is the Economy Going?

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Image by Tumisu

Over the past few years there’ve been many broad and very public predictions of an impending market downturn. I remember starting to hear them back in 2017 when people were guessing a recession might happen within 6–12 months. Obviously, that never happened. It still hasn’t, but predictions have only grown stronger in conviction.

Why? Because markets keep hitting high after high without the supporting operating fundamentals. Logically, there has to be a top; a point where markets pull back.

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US Interest Rate: First Increase in a Year

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Today the US Federal Reserve (their central bank), headed up by Janet Yellen, raised the US interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point to 0.75% from 0.5%.

For the decision, Janet Yellen explained: Keep Reading

National Bank of Canada: “Healthy” Price Corrections for Vancouver Housing Market

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Today in New York Bloomberg held a Canadian Fixed Income Conference where Stefane Marion, a Montreal-based economist and strategist at National Bank of Canada commented on the future of the Vancouver housing market. According to Marion, “Vancouver’s housing market may enter a correction with price declines of 10 per cent,” going on to call it a “healthy correction.” Keep Reading

WTF: Millennials and Our Sad Relationship with News

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Editor’s note: see this post published on the Huffington Post, Sept. 13 2016.

Yesterday an article was published in the New York Times about Buzzfeed’s announcement that it is formally dividing its news and entertainment divisions. This news drives speculation that there could be a selloff of the news division, though Buzzfeed denies this, saying instead that the split encourages better focus on video creation where its biggest advertising dollars come from.

“The move also reflects a broader shift at media companies that are increasingly turning to video and entertainment news to lure a younger generation and attract online advertising dollars.”

What is happening here? Why is news not important to digital audiences? Keep Reading

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