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President Trump

4 Things To Know Today

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Trump defends Putin’s “I didn’t meddle, swear,” the dems have several notable election victories, Bitcoin Cash is gaining in momentum against Bitcoin Classic, the latest on the AT&T / Time Warner deal, and more.

Putin “Means It”

On Saturday, November 11th, President Trump flew Air Force One to Hanoi, Vietnam from Danang where the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit was taking place. On the flight he told reporters of his recent meeting with President Putin at the summit: “he said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again.”

Allegations (and FBI confirmation of those allegations), of Russia’s interference with the federal 2016 election have been nagging the Trump presidency since day 1. And since becoming President-elect, Trump has consistently denied that Putin had any involvement in his victory.

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President Can’t Delete His Tweets

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Did you know the President can’t delete his tweets?! It could be a matter of federal record keeping, and is certainly news to me.

Two congressmen (one a democrat and the other a republican), sent a letter to the White House this week “expressing concerns about the Trump administration’s record keeping habits and its nontransparent use of social media and other forms of electronic communication.Keep Reading

Sunday Roundup: 5 Stories You’ll Like

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Sundays are a special day. As indicated by the name of this site, they’re meant for lazy mornings, often spent in bed (preferably crisp white sheets), with creamy coffee and a newspaper (I’m partial to the National Post, WSJ, or The New York Times). Today is no different, in fact, I write this from bed, with a coffee on one side and a paper on the other. Keep Reading

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