Finance, Economics & Technology


Olivia - page 3

Olivia has 76 articles published.

What’s Your Investment Thesis?

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Investing isn’t: throwing money at something and hoping it’ll go up because people say it will.

Investing is: looking at the fundamentals of the asset or opportunity and understanding exactly why, or why not, you think the value may increase.

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4 Things To Know Today

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Trump defends Putin’s “I didn’t meddle, swear,” the dems have several notable election victories, Bitcoin Cash is gaining in momentum against Bitcoin Classic, the latest on the AT&T / Time Warner deal, and more.

Putin “Means It”

On Saturday, November 11th, President Trump flew Air Force One to Hanoi, Vietnam from Danang where the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit was taking place. On the flight he told reporters of his recent meeting with President Putin at the summit: “he said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again.”

Allegations (and FBI confirmation of those allegations), of Russia’s interference with the federal 2016 election have been nagging the Trump presidency since day 1. And since becoming President-elect, Trump has consistently denied that Putin had any involvement in his victory.

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Pitching Finovate NYC Fintech Conference

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Do you ever just have one of those amazing all-day flights where you’re above the clouds and you feel like you could achieve anything? Ha, yeah, I don’t usually either. Flights are generally a grind. But Saturday (September 9th), was a lucky flight, and thank goodness because it led up to a significant pitch I had to deliver to a huge Manhattan fintech audience on Monday morning. Keep Reading

A Weekend Well Spent in SF

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A great weekend in my books gives you opportunity to dress up, dress down, work out, snuggle in, and adventure and this weekend has been a glorious example of that, finally. Not that weekends are usually horrible around here, but it’s so nice to have a weekend to ourselves with nowhere really to be. Here’s a photo diary from our fun!

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Ladies Get Paid Event: Personal Finance 101

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This post originally appeared on Voleo’s blog


Last Wednesday evening I had the pleasure of hosting a personal finance workshop for Ladies Get Paid, a New York-based but nationwide organization focused on helping women find career and financial success, at San Francisco’s GitHub headquarters. I’m pleased to say that the event made for a very engaging and interesting discussion on how different people manage their money, what their perceptions of the stock market are, and the various approaches to investing, whether through work in a 401k or directly through the stock market.

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Planning vs. Spontaneous Purchasing

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This past weekend has been super lovely and relaxed, but still quite productive as I managed to accomplish quite a bit on my to-do list. I’d also made it a mission of mine this past weekend not to spend money frivolously, because I feel like the little things lately are adding up too quickly. My boyfriend was away so it was a nice opportunity to chill at home and have some Duchess time. The whole don’t-spend-frivolously thing didn’t go very well, and so last night I started working out how I can curb the spending that doesn’t feel like you’re really spending, but actually adds up to quite a shock at the end of the month.

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My Love for Newspapers

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I should preface this by noting that I have a love for many old man things (or things perceived to be for an old man like cigars, smoking slippers, the color forest green, plaid, scotch, and historical non-fiction books usually featuring finance or a political figure), and that perhaps this is part of the reason I love the experience of reading a newspaper so much.

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When You’re Politically Exhausted

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Headlines lately have been dominated by the current White House’s actions, as have our twitter feeds. My twitter feed is now probably about 70% political, and I haven’t really followed many new politically-active folks. I find that people want to talk politics at work, at dinner, and at the dog park (happened this very morning; a lady shared her politics in explaining why she had named her dog George after President Bush). It does not end. Keeping up, keeping motivated, it is emotionally exhausting.

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What It’s Like Being an Entrepreneur

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Started March 12, completed March 26th. (Typical.)

It’s not what you think.

Last night I was having dinner with several of my close girlfriends at a beautiful restaurant in Yaletown; Giardino’s. One of the girls asked me what turning 29 meant to me, as the dinner was a birthday celebration. It’s a fantastic question, and it conjures many feelings. I feel pride and excitement for where I am today and what I have accomplished, but I also feel frustration and regret for where I am not. The past few weeks have been tough at points, because I can be incredibly hard on myself, particularly in regards to my accomplishments. By this time in my life, I really thought I would have achieved a lot more. Keep Reading

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